China-US Business Summit Lifetime Achievement Award
The China-US Business Summit Lifetime Achievement Award recognizes individuals who have made outstanding contributions to business management. The selection process for this prestigious award involves several steps, each designed to identify the most deserving candidate.
The nomination criteria listed below for the China-US Business Summit Lifetime Achievement Award are rigorous and thorough, ensuring that only the most deserving candidate is selected. Nominees must be able to demonstrate a track record of achievements, leadership skills, strategic vision, and impact on the industry. 1: Experience Nominees must have at least 20 years of experience in the field of business management. This experience should be demonstrated through a track record of achievements and leadership roles in the industry. Nominees should be able to demonstrate how their experience has contributed to their success and the success of their organization. 2: Contributions Nominees must have made significant contributions to the field of business management. These contributions should be demonstrated through a track record of accomplishments and achievements (awards, rankings, industry recognitions) in the industry. Nominees should be able to demonstrate how their contributions have positively impacted the industry, their organization, and the broader community. Awards and honors that we believe reflect the nominees' contributions and influence: - The American Business Awards - The Lloyds Bank British Business Excellence Awards - European Business Awards - Women in Business Award - Chicago Innovation Awards - International Business Awards - Silicon Valley Festival Awards - MIT150 - Hong Kong Business Awards - Nikkei Asia Prize - China-US Business Summit Outstanding Entrepreneur of the Year* - Economic Times Awards - Scale-Up Awards - SME One Asia Awards - IoD Director of the Year - Non-Executive Director Awards - Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award The list of awards and honors provided above is not exhaustive. 3: Leadership Skills Nominees must demonstrate outstanding leadership skills. This includes inspiring others, making sound decisions, and communicating effectively. Nominees should be able to demonstrate how their leadership skills have contributed to their success and the success of their organization. Only the official statement/letter provided by the organization in which the nominee has performed a leadership role is accepted as evaluation material. 4: Strategic Vision Nominees must demonstrate a strategic vision for the future of the industry. This includes the ability to anticipate trends, identify opportunities, and develop innovative solutions. Nominees should be able to demonstrate how their strategic vision has contributed to their success and the success of their organization. Only the official statement/letter provided by the organization in which the nominee has performed a leadership role is accepted as evaluation material. 5: Impact Nominees must have had a significant impact on the industry. This includes influencing policy, creating new markets, or improving existing business practices. Nominees should be able to demonstrate how their impact has contributed to the success of their organization, the industry, and the broader community. Only official statements/letters provided by industry experts AND articles/reports by influential media are accepted as evaluation materials. Please note that ALL materials submitted for evaluation must be in English. Documents not originally produced in English should be accompanied by accurate English translation.
After the nomination stage, the evaluation process begins. A panel of experts in the field of business management will review the nominations and select the top candidates. The evaluation process will consider factors such as the nominee's leadership skills, strategic vision, and impact on the industry. The panel of experts will be chosen from a diverse group of business leaders, academics, and policy experts. They will have extensive experience in the field of business management and will be able to assess the nominees' qualifications objectively. The selection panel will consider all the information collected during the nomination, evaluation, shortlisting, and interview process to make an informed decision. The award recipient will be an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of business management and has demonstrated outstanding leadership skills, strategic vision, and impact on the industry. The recipient will be announced at the awards ceremony, which will take place during the annual China-US Business Summit. The award ceremony provides an opportunity for the business community to come together to celebrate the recipient's achievements and discuss the industry's future.
Award Recipients